
Kate Barney

No longer with Cisco.


Data in Motion: An Opportunity for Healthcare Providers

The Big Data revolution continues to make inroads into the healthcare space, where it’s helping reduce hospital readmissions, improve point-of-care decisions and advance research, among other benefits. Take a look at this sampling of topics on offer at the 2013 Annual HIMSS (Healthcare Information a…

March 5, 2013


Cisco Customer Experience Report for Health Care Announced at HIMSS

March 5, 2013 With day two of HIMSS underway, I wanted to take the opportunity to share more about the Cisco Customer Experience Report focused on health care. In this study, conducted in early 2013 and released just yesterday, consumers and health care decision makers across the globe were surveyed…

March 4, 2013


Doctors as Technologists? Dave Evans Discusses the Future of Healthcare at HIMSS

March 4, 2013 “Is being a doctor enough or will the future doctor must also be a technologist?” Dave Evans, Chief Futurist, Cisco, kicked off Cisco’s Community for Connected Health Summit today at HIMSS 2013. With voice technology, augmented reality, gesture recognition and digital signage being imp…

February 26, 2013


20 Years Teleworking: $291,200 Savings and 435,200 Pounds of Pollutants Spared

Cisco, in partnership with Mobile Work Exchange, is eager to kick off the third-annual Telework Week from March 4-8. Telework Week 2013 is a global effort to encourage agencies, organizations, and individuals to pledge to telework anytime during this week. I plan not only to pledge to telework that…

January 18, 2013


Cisco Connected Health – technologies that are maturing the healthcare industry

Yesterday, via Cisco TelePresence and WebEx, Cisco hosted an international roundtable examining the current demands placed on the healthcare industry and how technology is addressing many of these issues. A panel comprised of Cisco executives and customers discussed how connected technologies and se…

November 8, 2012


Connected Health – It’s About Being There

Years ago I was standing next to the Chief Trauma Surgeon (CTS) in an Emergency Department while the team worked feverishly to resuscitate an injured EMT.  The EMT had been struck by a speeding car while at the scene of an accident. In one split second he went from being a first responder to being a…